The Metropolitan

Metropolitan State University Student Newspaper

Opinion: The building blocks of TABOR

Say you had a box with a plant growing inside it. For reasons dark and twisted, the plant finds itself quite content to grow inside the black confines of the box. It gains inch after inch each week. Eventually, the plant runs out of room to grow but the box is a box. It can’t grow with the plant. The plant, doomed by its own prodigiousness, grows too big for its cramped home and crushes itself against the six walls of its cardboard prison.

So, what do plants and Colorado’s economy have in commo

Walmart shooting hits home on Auraria Campus

In life, Carlos Moreno lit a flame that refuses to fade past his death. A man whose impact was felt, be it at work or at home with his family, no longer walks the halls and fields of Auraria. He is sorely missed by all who knew him.

“Carlos stretched far beyond just the Auraria staff. It was really out to MSU Denver, Community College of Denver and University of Colorado,” said Tara Weachter, Director of Facilities for Auraria. “It was largely known that we would call Carlos, the ‘Mayor of Aura

President Janine Davidson’s vision for the future

President Janine Davidson unveiled her vision for MSU Denver at a pair of events last week on Sept. 13 and 14.

Rebranding the annual president’s breakfast as a “Welcome Home” event for Davidson, the president announced the creation of five new councils. The role of those councils will be to advise the president’s cabinet on specific policy areas that Davidson has identified. The next day, Davidson followed through on her promise to focus on, “students, students, students,” by holding a town hal

Colorado pledges to protect DACA students

Colorado’s legislators circled the wagons around the state’s undocumented youth after the Trump administration made moves to end their semi-legal status on Sept. 5.

At a press conference held Sept. 1, Gov. John Hickenlooper, state House Majority Leader Crisanta Duran and state Rep. Dan Pabon said Colorado would do everything it could to protect those immigrants from deportation and allow them to continue pursuing their dreams and education. In a reversal, Republican Sen. Cory Gardner also annou

Board of Trustees finalizes Janine Davidson as new president

Months of searching concluded Feb. 14 when the MSU Denver Board of Trustees moved to formally appoint Janine Davidson as the successor to President Stephen Jordan.

The appointment was preceded by a two-day visit to campus during which Davidson met with faculty, staff, administrators and others. Students had the opportunity to meet Davidson in an open forum held on Feb. 13. During the forum, Davidson reiterated her commitment to making herself accessible to students throughout her tenure.

“To c

Democrats brace for next four years

Confidence turned to dumbstruck despair as Wolf Blitzer rattled off the results to the 2016 U.S. presidential election in a hotel ballroom full of Hillary Clinton supporters on Nov. 8.

“I fear that this is the wrath of the ex-union voter come back to roost among Democrats who have left them behind,” said Michael Neil, a Clinton supporter at the event.

State Democrats held their election night event in Denver’s downtown Westin Hotel on 16th and Larimer streets. Supporters were initially confide

MSU Denver Voting Guide: 2016

The Democratic candidate for president started her political life in 1976 working for Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign. She served as a New York senator from 2001 to 2009 and was President Obama’s Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

Clinton’s website has a raft of policy proposals regarding the economy. She supports increasing taxes on the wealthy and breaks for the middle class. She also proposes to close several loopholes in the tax code. Clinton backtracked on the Trans-Pacific Partner